Ex's Can't Be Friends

By 6:22:00 PM , , , , , , , ,

My friends are really mad that I'm practically best friends with one of my exes. They think I'm setting myself up for failure. I don't blame them. This is an ex that notoriously was able to rope me back in time and time again after he put me threw hell. "He doesn't deserve my friendship." I want to agree with them but I can't. The notion that Ex's Cant Be Friends is a lie!

The thing is that my ex and I were kids when we first started dating and barely adults when we ended it for the 100th time. I've grown since then and have come to realize that everything I went through in our relationship made me exactly who I am today. And I am so much better for it. Hence why my blogs are filled with so much wisdom! The things some of my girl friends go through now, I went through a decade ago and can offer real life advice. So I don't hate him. They definitely prefer I do but I could never hate someone who meant so much to me since I was 15. We grew up together. We know each other inside and out and when we talk about life its natural. Never forced. I don't have to pretend with him and he doesn't have to pretend with me. That's a real friendship.

So why am I writing this blog?!

I want my readers to know that your friends often have the best intentions. They love you after all. And unbeknownst to them, I am listening to their concerns. I haven't seen my ex in person for the last five years. I realize that it can become a slippery slope. You know, hanging out with an ex. And I am so against backsliding. I can thank him for teaching me that. So I am practicing what I realized as my own boundaries. I'm free to chat with him and catch up. I'm free to admire his growth as he lives out life. But I probably won't be at the next family BBQ and he probably won't be invited to my Christmas party.

So hunny, just like its more than okay to cut an ex off completely, it's just as okay to be FRIENDS with an ex. As long as you remember that they're your EX for a reason. Also remember to Trust Me Because You Knew I Couldn't Lie.

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